Without a Strategy You Don't have a Sustainable Business

What if you could create a new Ocean?


Harvard Business Review identified that most companies engage in contradictory approaches to business strategy. The market universe is composed of two types of oceans: red oceans and blue oceans. Red oceans are all the industries in existence today, increasingly characterized by intense competition. Blue oceans are all the industries emerging with fresh unique and exclusive concepts. They may not in existence today; when they do, they are untouched and uncontested.


Why an Ocean Strategy is the core to sustainable business growth. 


To prosper in the future, companies need to go beyond competing; they need to create new oceans. The issue is how to do so. TRIAVICA can help you navigate the red oceans and discover blue oceans that are best suited to your business and help you tack your course to reach the desired mainland.


Ocean Strategy is best expressed in a written plan of interrelated actions. Adaptability and flexibility are the essence of the plan with the goal to be achieved posted as a constant reminder.  If actions are not successful, they are modified until individual goals are reached. If a member of the team has difficulty accomplishing planned actions, other members will assist, again, until individual goals are reached. The strategy is flexible, the goal is rigid. 


TRIAVICA’s Response

The TRIAVICA's Ocean strategy links our clients' Vision to Attainable Goals using proprietary tools and methodology that are supported by deep business experience, having worked in and for some of the most advanced strategy oriented companies on the globe.  This experience places us in the enviable position of applying real world strategies, processes and programs being used by today's leading companies.  


While not exclusive, we recognize that there are many choices available to our clients and that once you've met with our Partners, you will benefit from the experience and potential results, be it for just 10 minutes, 10 days or 10 months.